Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Rest Stop at 7300 feet, near Flagstaff, AZ. This place has a special memory. For you dog lovers, you know that in your life there is always one special dog that will never be replaced. Mine was a little 6 pound poodle (twice a big as the one we have now). She traveled on the bike, started her at 5 weeks in my pocket. She also was on the road as a rally vendor, and all the motorcycle folks knew her. Well, at this rest stop, back in 1991, she saw her first snow! She didn't like it much, but was very funny to watch. It was a near blizzard night, and she didn't want out of the truck. She did her thing quickly, but never took a liking to the white stuff! She was 16 when she went to "doggie heaven". I still miss her. It's now spitting rain, NOT what I expected today!


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